8 Sept 2012

Medicinal Plants : Air Plant

By on 12:49 pm

Common name: Air Plant, Donkey Ears, Life Plant, Leaf of Life, Resurrection Plant, Canterbury Bells, Cathedral Bells, Mexican Love Plant, Floppers • Hindi: Amar poi अमर पोई • Malayalam: Elamarunna • Tamil: ), Runakkalli • Bengali: Kop pata • Urdu: Zakhmhaiyat ज़ख़्महयात • Manipuri: , মনাহিদাক Manahidak

Botanical name: Kalanchoe pinnata/ Bryophyllum pinnatum

Family: Crassulaceae (sedum family) 
Plant Characteristics
Duration: Perennial
Growth Habit: Subshrub, Herb/Forb
Hawaii Native Status: Introduced. This naturalized ornamental garden plant and medicinal herb is native to Madagascar.
Flower Color: Dull red. The more conspicuous sepals are yellowish green tinged with red or dull pink in color.
Height: Up to 6 feet (1.8 m) tall
Description: The pendent flowers are on short, lateral branches on tall, upright, chandelier-like flower stalks. The individual flowers are tubular, 1 inch (2.5 cm) long, enclosed in papery, inflated, green to reddish pink sepals, and have 4 red, narrowly triangular lobes. The flowers dry on the plant and gradually turn a light papery brown color. The leaves have scalloped, dark maroon margins and are green, succulent, opposite, and mostly pinnately compound with 3 to 5 elliptic leaflets. New baby plants can form along the edges of the leaves.
Here in Hawaii, Air Plant grows wild in dry to moist areas at lower elevations.

Medicinal uses: Bahamians call it Life Leaf or Ploppers. In the Bahamas it is mostly used for Asthma or shortness in breath. 
For headaches: Heat leaf or leaves in microwave or on stove until hot. Place on the forehead as soon as you are able so that there is still a significant amount of heat left in it. Re-warm the leaf accordingly placing it on the forehead repeatedly for at least ten minutes.
For Backaches/ Rheumatism: Heat leaves until hot. Place them as hot as you can bear them on the aching area and lie down on your stomach. If available place a heat pad or a hot water bottle over the leaf so that continuous heat will help it to release its properties. When you are on the go, place the warmed leaf on the sore spot and wrap it so that it stays in place for the day.
For Foot Soaks: Using at least three Wonder of the World leaves, place in basin and fill with hot water. You can also add those bubbles and things that smell nice if you like. Menthol, peppermint or eucalyptus oil is a good one to put in with this. Submerge feet for at least half and hour and for a through treatment, take two other leaves, warm them and put them under your feet and then put a pair of comfy socks on for the night. Let it work its magic while you sleep.
For Styes: Again you must heat the leaf. Place it over the eye for a minute or two, three to six times a day. You can alternate this treatment with a boric solution wash as well. But keeping the leaf over the eye reduces the size and redness of the stye.

About Syed Faizan Ali

Faizan is a 17 year old young guy who is blessed with the art of Blogging,He love to Blog day in and day out,He is a Website Designer and a Certified Graphics Designer.


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